Apr 24, 2011

Valley Oak

Scientific name: Quercus lobata
Date collected: 4/18/2011
Location collected: UCLA Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens
Habitat: The Valley Oak was not not directly near any plants. It was located in the center of a small area and there were no other plants inhabiting under it or around it.
Nativity: The Valley Oak is native to California and can be found in dense forests, hot valleys and foothills.
Special notes: The Valley Oak is a deciduous tree which means they lose their leaves in fall. They are among the largest oaks in the United States. It can tolerate cool winters and dry summers but requires year-round access to underground water. These oaks can live up to 600 years old. Younger specimens have thin bark but mature specimens have thick ridged bark. Mature Valley oaks can produce about a ton of acorns during a good year. 

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